+91 9721452110
CUET(UG)-2024      CUET(PG)-2024




To provide a student-centred learning environment that facilitates transference of information and to cater to the needs of its users to access it. To explore and implement innovative technologies and services to deliver information and scholarly resources, conveniently to users in the campus.


Putting technology to use innovatively for the flexible delivery of services and resources to users within the campus.
To provide comprehensive resources and services in support of research, teaching, and learning needs of the academic community.
To facilitate access to right Information at the right time in the right manner so as to produce productive citizens to this great nation in general and to our community in particular.

Library and its services

The college has a well stocked library with a collection over 10,000 books based on different disciplines to cater the academic and recreational needs of the users. This collection of the library is ever growing. Library gives conducive environment for reading to the users. It is well lighted with a seating capacity for 100 users. The library subscribes to 11 Journals, 20 magazines and 5 newspapers. It offers remote access to numerous e- resources (6000+e-Journals and 31,35,000 e-books ) through N-List ( Inflibnet Program) to both teachers and students.

The library is fully air conditioned with CCTV security system. It is equipped with barcode technology for books, reprographic facility( Xerox) and a projector for teaching and learning process. Library also possess computer systems with internet connection.
The library is open to users from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on working days and during summer vacations from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Services Offered

Open Access : The users has privileged of open access to the bookshelves for browsing books during library hours.

Circulation service :All the books are barcoded and is followed in all lending process for staff and students.

Current Awareness Service:Book and journals added to the library are displayed in the rack and on the notice board before they are released for issue/return.

Repographic Service: Xeroxing of reading materials can be done for academic purpose.

Remote Access: Library users can access to e-journals and e-books anywhere 24X7 through N-list programme.

Integrated Library Management System Documentation
